Thursday, May 16, 2019

Inquiry - A-Z Landmarks

These past few weeks we (My friends and I) have been working on Gisborne landmarks. We have 27 slides of fun or helpful things to do in Gisborne. If you need somewhere to go, well this is the place to look. I hope you can do something from this list when you come to Gisborne or even if you live in Gisborne. To see the whole slide click here.

Reading Task - Loom

Today we were supposed to do a loom at school but instead I did other work that was related to reading. I didn't get to do it at school so I did it at home. I chose to read The Big Little Bible. Here is my loom...

Moment in time

Angel Waka

I look up. Big white clouds float quickly above the treetops. They look different.
Not the cotton like ones I see every day. Walking curiously down to the beach,
I see a wooden block sitting on the rough sea. Along wood pole lead up to the clouds
I saw before. I hear men’s voices. A language I do not understand.
The priest was right…

The Angel Waka has come. White faced men appear on the beach. Angles have arrived.
People, things I’ve never seen before.The closer they come, the louder I get.
A man pulls out a stick and points it at me. Thinking it was a gift I got louder. Welcoming
them to my home.

BANG!! Pain hits me. Everything changes.

This piece of writing is based on the first landing of captain cook. This man was the first person who was shot.